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While our bags are high-imitation luxury items, they are not authentic designer products. We replicate the design, quality, and aesthetic of top luxury brands using custom-made materials such as original leather, high-quality hardware, and meticulous craftsmanship to bring you the best imitations available on the market.

The images displayed on our website are all taken on-site by our manufacturers, and we ensure that the products you receive are identical to the images. If you see our images at a lower price on other websites, please be aware that the actual quality and details may differ—you may receive a product that does not match the advertised item.

Any price lower than ours, not to mention half, is either mediocre or low-quality goods, or it is a bait and switch tactic. To ensure quality, we develop using the genuine original products and use the same materials as the genuine products , which are costly to produce (our profit margins are very low).

We sell counter quality or mirror image replicas. These are the best replicas available in the replica market. It cannot get any better — next best thing would be the original handbag itself.

We regularly add new items to our collection and have a variety of products that may not yet be listed on our website. If you’re looking for a specific item or brand, feel free to reach out to our customer care team. We’ll be happy to assist you and provide more information about any unlisted products.

Standard Shipping: Typically takes 8-15 business days depending on your location.  

- Please note that shipping times may vary depending on factors like customs processing and unforeseen delays.  

- Once your order has been shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number to monitor your shipment’s progress.

We offer free shipping on all orders worldwide. For expedited shipping options, additional fees may apply. If you need faster delivery, please contact our customer service team for more details.

We offer a 7-day return window from the date of delivery. To qualify for a return, items must be unused, unwashed, and in original condition. Please visit our Return Policy page for more detailed information on how to return an item.

Yes, shipping replica-affiliated items (such as high-imitation luxury bags) requires a careful process. We take steps to ensure our shipments are delivered safely through customs. In the rare case that a package is seized, we offer free reshipment to ensure you receive your order.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact our customer support team by Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions